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Leak Detection – High Level Alarm
Designed to connect to a float switch inside the water tank. When the float switch rises at the fluid levels get high, it triggers the control panel to sound an alarm to warn that there is a problem.
Requires connection to a float switch that when the liquid level in the tank gets to a certain height will send a signal to the alarm panel and trigger the alarm. There is an on-board sounder and bright LED that flashes red when in alarm. The sounder can be muted by pressing a button, with the LED remaining on until the levels drop. There is also a handy test button to ensure that the alarm panel is functioning correctly.
Typically used with Packaged pump stations, septic tank, water tanks.
Key Features: Internal audible alarm, Power on light, Flashing red light on low level alarm, Mute button, Test button.
- Max Pump Rating: 1kW
- 230VAC 2 amp power requirement (12VDC option available)
- 150mm x 110mm x 70mm
- IP65 Enclosure rating
- Float switch available to order separately
- Max Pump Rating: 1kW
- 230VAC 2 amp power requirement (12VDC option available)
- 150mm x 110mm x 70mm
- IP65 Enclosure rating
- Float switch available to order separately
Optional Extras
Float Switch for Leak Detection Alarms
Designed to work with your leak detection alarm, to prevent your tank running empty or flooding depending on the application. Suitable for use with the High level leak detection alarm, Low level controller, Single Zone leak detection alarm (Type A & B) and the SMS Dialler.
Designed to work with the following units:
- High level leak detection alarm
- Low level controller
- Single Zone leak detection alarm (Type A)
- Single Zone leak detection alarm (Type B)
- SMS Dialler
SMS Dialler – For Leak Detection Alarms
The SMS Dialler is a simple high level alarm monitoring system designed to be used in packaged pump stations. It alerts the user should the liquid rise above a maximum level. A text message is sent to warn of a failed pump or a blocked line. Having an early warning of a problem will help prevent sewage backups and protects the environment! The SMS Dialler uses a standard SIM card and all the larger network providers (Vodafone, Orange, EE) will work perfectly well. Setting up the system is easy by sending text commands to the unit, e.g. Textnum (followed by the desired telephone number) will store the number the unit will text if an alarm is triggered. Contract and PAYG SIMs can both be used giving peace of mind with very little running cost.
Typically used with Packaged pump stations, septic tank, water tanks.
Light Beacon for Leak Detection Alarms
Designed to work with any of our leak detection alarms, to alert you when a leak is detected by means of a flashing light. Suitable for use with the High level leak detection alarm, Low level controller, Single Zone leak detection alarm (Type A & B) and the SMS Dialler.
Light & Sound Beacon for Leak Detection Alarms
Designed to work with any of our leak detection alarms, to alert you when a leak is detected by means of a flashing light. Suitable for use with the High level leak detection alarm, Low level controller, Single Zone leak detection alarm (Type A & B) and the SMS Dialler.
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