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[/one_fourth] [three_fourth_last padding=”0 0px 0 0″]What is Hard Water?
We call water ‘hard’ if it contains a lot of calcium or magnesium dissolved within it. Domestically, hard water causes two problems.
It can cause scale to form in the inside of pipes, water heaters, kettles and so on. The calcium and magnesium precipitate out of the water and sticks to things. Eventually, pipes can become completely clogged.
It reacts with soap to form a sticky scum and therefore reduces soaps ability to form lather.
To correct all the problems of hard water, it is essential to either filter the water by Distillation or Reverse Osmosis. These processes will remove the calcium and magnesium from the water.
The outcome of this would be achieving a production of soft water. An alternative option is filtration. Although affective, filtration would be extremely costly to use throughout the household on a regular basis.