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Thermoplastic Chemical Tanks
Flat Based | Conical Based | ||
Sloping Based |
Sloping Based Thermoplastic Chemical Tanks
Designed for the most economical use of sheet materials, IWE’s T range of preferred sizes offers flat based plastic tanks from 225 to 6,750 litres capacity.
The alternative VTS range offers a sloping base with integral skirt to give almost complete drainage from a side mounted outlet connection.
Model VTS | Nominal Capacity | Wall Height 'D' mm | Cone Top 'E' mm | Nominal Inside Diameter 'F' mm |
50 | 225 | 914 | Flat Top | 715 |
100 | 450 | 1067 | Flat Top | 915 |
150 | 675 | 1220 | Flat Top | 1015 |
200 | 900 | 1220 | Flat Top | 1175 |
250 | 1100 | 1372 | Flat Top | 1219 |
300 | 1350 | 1372 | 50 | 1330 |
350 | 1550 | 1372 | 50 | 1330 |
400 | 1800 | 1372 | 75 | 1520 |
450 | 2000 | 1524 | 75 | 1524 |
500 | 2250 | 1676 | 75 | 1520 |
600 | 2700 | 1676 | 150 | 1676 |
750 | 3350 | 1829 | 150 | 1750 |
800 | 3600 | 1829 | 150 | 1829 |
900 | 4000 | 2134 | 750 | 1750 |
1000 | 4500 | 2134 | 150 | 1900 |
1250 | 5600 | 2134 | 300 | 2100 |
1500 | 6750 | 2134 | 300 | 2300 |