water softener equipment servicing

Service - Maintenance Packages
Planned Service and Maintenance visits per year2 or 42 or 42, 4 or 62, 4 or 6
Electronic reports emailed direct to 2 addresses
Breakdown response time (Hours)482424 or 1224, 12 or 6
Breakdown callout charge coveredNoNoNo
Breakdown callouts discountedNoNo
Annual consumables pack includedNo
Spare parts used and annual consumables includedNoNoNo
Discounted consumablesNo
24 Hour tech support telephone number
Site specific reports and equipment history records issuedNo
Service Package Optional Extras
Optional ExtrasBronzeSilverGoldPlatinum
Annual Resin Analysis
Spares Holding Facility
Media Replacement
Resin Analysis
RO Membrane Cleaning
Disinfection and Sanitisation

water softener typical service schedule

(Please note that this is a typical specification and Industrial Water Equipment Ltd provide site specific service schedules for your sites specific requirements)

1. Site Compliance

Contact responsible person. Advise purpose of visit.

Obtain any necessary permits for access to site and/or work area.

Agree protocol for interrupting electrical and water supply to softener.

Wear safety clothing in accordance with site and IWE standards.

Display any necessary notices advising of work being carried out.

Restore electrical and water supplies upon completion of work.

Remove any signs and leave work area in a satisfactorily clean and tidy condition.

Obtain responsible person’s signature on IWE documentation.

Return permits and leave site.

2. Records

Examine site records to establish performance of plant since last service visit.

Record any variation in raw and treated water quality and establish reason for any variance from last visit.

Confirm treated water volumetric and quality requirements.

3. Water Quality

Analyse chemical quality of raw inlet water to softener and record.

Analyse chemical quality of outlet water from softener vessel(s) and record.

Analyse chemical quality of any stored treated water quality and record.

Take dip slide of;

• Raw inlet water to softener.
• Outlet water from softener vessel(s).
• Any stored treated water.

4. Mechanical Checks

Inspect general condition of water softener and associated ancillaries and check for any leaks.

Examine electrical connections for any incorrect wiring, for evidence of overloading etc.

Initiate operation of any level controls and check satisfactory flow results (safe access permitting).

For Time Clock water softeners (or similar) models check and record time setting and regeneration frequency. Compare to previous visit.

For Water Meter water softeners (or similar) models check and record water meter setting. Compare to previous visit.

If a totalising water meter is installed check water flow and volume used. Compare to previous visit.

If pressure gauges are fitted to the water softener at suitable points, check static and dynamic pressure before and after softener. Record pressure drop and comment. Advise if inlet pressure is within limits for satisfactory and safe softener performance.

If pressure gauges are not fitted, but suitable points exist, install temporary pressure gauge(s) and complete as much of 4.7. as is practical.

5. Regeneration

Check condition of salt tank and any associated equipment.

Check salt level in salt tank.

Initiate test regeneration on water softener.

Check brine draw to water softener during brine draw stage.

Check salt tank refill.

Check operation of safety brine valve, where fitted.

Check for brine draw off levels.

Check for resin loss from water softener vessel during regeneration. Where fitted, check for satisfactory operation of solenoid, i.e. flow to service isolated during regeneration.

Analyse chemical quality of outlet water from water softener vessel(s) immediately after regeneration and record.

6. Annual Service

On each Annual Service the following actions will be carried out in addition to those for a Routine Service.

Solenoid Valve(s) (Where Fitted)

Dismantle solenoid valve. Examine and clean thoroughly. Fit new diaphragm if necessary. (For non IWE softeners, replacement components will be charged in addition to the contract price).

NOTE: Solenoid valves not connected solely with water softener operation, e.g. a solenoid valve controlling flow into a treated water storage tank, are not covered by the Standard Softener Service Contract but can be, at additional cost, if required.

Brine Valve

Dismantle brine valve, clean thoroughly, grease, re-assemble and re-fit.

Water Softener Control Valve(s).

The Softener Control Valve(s) will be inspected in-situ and examined for wear.

When deemed necessary and included in the agreement, the water softener valve will be removed from the resin vessel and the bed depth in the vessel(s) will be checked for resin loss. (Subject to site survey on non IWE Water softeners).

The  Water Softener Control Valve including the injector, will be thoroughly cleaned, moving parts greased and re-assembled with the new components supplied in the 12 months Spares Pack. (For non IWE water softeners, replacement components will be charged in addition to the contract price).

NOTE: Where the Softener Control Valve(s) incorporate the use of automatic diaphragm valves these will be dismantled, cleaned thoroughly, greased and re-assembled. Should the valve show signs of wear, a recommendation will be made for overhaul at the next service visit. (Subject to site survey on non IWE softeners).

7. Disinfection

When the service includes a disinfection of the resin bed(s) the procedure will be carried out in accordance with our disinfection specification – available on request.

Return To Service 

When the Service Visit, either Routine or Annual, has been completed the softener will be checked to ensure all components are fully operational.

The softener(s) will be left in an operating condition with inlet and outlet valves open, by-pass valve closed and blending valves adjusted as appropriate.

All actions, results, recommendations and comments will be recorded on the Engineered Product Service Call Sheet which will be signed by the Service Engineer and the Customer. A copy will be left on site with the customer on completion of the visit.


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