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Rainwater Harvesting – Downpipe Filters  – Rainus

Rainwater Harvesting Filter - RainusThe Rainus filters debris from rainwater, allowing the clean water to continue through the downpipe. Ideal for retro-fitting systems which have not yet had a filter fitted, the Rainus is also suited to use with ponds and infiltration systems.

The Standard Rainus fits downpipes of 80, 90, or 100 mm diameter. These downpipes are usually found in either aluminium or zinc.

The Rainus with UK Adapters is also compatible with 68 mm round UK downpipes and 65 mm square downpipes.

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Rainus – Technical Data

ProductColourProduct CodeRoof Size CompatibilityRound Downpipe Size CompatibilitySquare Downpipe Size Compatibility
RainusGrey200070090 m280 mm, 90 mm, 100 mmN/A
Brown200079090 m280 mm, 90 mm, 100 mmN/A
Rainus with UK AdaptersGrey200700UK90 m268 mm, 80 mm, 90 mm, 100 mm65 mm
Brown2000790UK90 m268 mm, 80 mm, 90 mm, 100 mm65 mm