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What is the difference between a single double pass system?
Single Pass Reverse Osmosis System
Double Pass Reverse Osmosis System
To minimise water waste, a double pass system is recommended. By using a double pass system, any water that would be disposed of as waste water is re circulated through the semi-permeable membrane.
By using a double pass system, water wastage can be cut dramatically. The average level of water wastage on a single pass system is 20-25%. This drops dramatically when using a double pass system, down to 5%. A double pass system would be particularly useful for industrial use where companies are required to pay not only for water coming into the factory but also waste water going out.
A Reverse Osmosis system is unlike other methods of filtration because it works by a method known as cross filtration. other methods of filtration use a standard method of filtration where molecules pass through a membrane and collect there until the membrane becomes exhausted. with an RO system, water passes through the system in such a way that creates a turbulent which ensures contaminants are not able to build up on the membrane. Both contaminants and pure water pass through the filter media where the water is then separated into outlets, pure water and waste water