siata 360 simplex time clock

£5,248.70 - £6,298.43 (inc. VAT)
£5,846.43 - £7,015.72 (inc. VAT)
£6,603.14 - £7,923.76 (inc. VAT)
£9,428.10 - £11,313.72 (inc. VAT)
£10,779.02 - £12,934.82 (inc. VAT)
£11,849.22 - £14,219.06 (inc. VAT)

siata 360 simplex meter controlled


Simplex Water Softeners are best used suited to applications where soft water is not required 24 hours a day. Utilising a single vessel hard water will pass to service when the system goes into regeneration.

Time Clock

Time clock systems are ideal for applications that do not require 24/7 soft water. The timer can be manually set to initiate regeneration at a time where soft water is least likely to be required.

Meter Controlled

Meter controlled systems are more technically advanced. They calculate the permeate flow and from that, determine when to initiate the regeneration process according to your pre entered specifications.

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360 Time Clock Product Table

Time clock systems are ideal for applications that do not require 24/7 soft water. The timer can be manually set to initiate regeneration at a time where soft water is least likely to be required.

Timers are usually automatically set to regenerate at 1am. Whilst the system undergoes the regeneration process, a bypass valve will allow for hard water to be available.

CodeVessel SizeResin QuantityMax Flow
S10SIS360STE50030" x 72"500 ltr20.0 m3/hr flow
S10SIS360STE75036" x 72"750 ltr20.0 m3/hr flow
S10SIS360STE750HF36" x 78"750 ltr30.0 m3/hr flow
S10SIS360STE850HF42" x 78850 ltr34.0 m3/hr flow
S10SIS360STE1000HF42" x 781000 ltr40.0 m3/hr flow
S10SIS360STE1250HF48" x 82"1250 ltr40.0 m3/hr flow

360 Meter Controlled Product Table

Meter controlled systems are more technically advanced. They calculate the permeate flow and from that, determine when to initiate the regeneration process according to your pre entered specifications.

Once the permeate flow has hit the predetermined threshold, the regeneration cycle will ensue triggering the bypass valve. Once the system is in the regeneration cycle, hard water will be made available.

CodeVessel SizeResin QuantityMax Flow
S10-SIS360AT50030" x 72"500 ltr20.0 m3/hr flow
S10SIS360AT75036" x 72"750 ltr20.0 m3/hr flow
S10SIS360AT750HF36" x 78"750 ltr30.0 m3/hr flow
S10SIS360AT850HF42" x 78850 ltr34.0 m3/hr flow
S10SIS360AT1000HF42" x 781000 ltr40.0 m3/hr flow
S10SIS360AT1250HF48" x 82"1250 ltr40.0 m3/hr flow